In the past 35+ years I have gained professional experience implementing custom made information systems and I use my experience too help customers expecting directions beyond the obvious.
How to launder money, part III
This limited series of posts ponders on the consequences for criminals, tax, vat, business profits and public spending if we added a scent to money - building a digital currency controlled by the National Bank. Part three is all about the fine print
How to launder money, part II
This limited series of posts ponders on the consequences for criminals, tax, vat, business profits and public spending if we added a scent to money - building a digital currency controlled by the National Bank. Part two eyes the gains and costs
How to launder money
This limited series of posts ponders on the consequences for criminals, tax, vat, business profits and public spending if we added a scent to money - building a digital currency controlled by the National Bank
What if Money had a (s)cent?
Just imagine what a world it would be if money did in fact ‘stink’! I touch on some of the gains and vains
Ripples in The Fabric
With the demise of market economy everybody is questioning what comes next - I'm hinting at this
Hvem skal vide hvem jeg er?
Brugen af blockchain kan ændre det danske samfund mange gange mere end tilfældet var, da vi indførte danKortet
Trustworthy Messages
Keeping messages safe traveling from the sender to the receiver using existing standards albeit in new configurations and some amendments.
Trust me - I'm real!
we can manage the trust issues currently wreaking havoc amongst "cloud" based services, using DNS and certification bodies supporting novel 10 character tokens
AIn’t an issue!
a way for the receiver to consider the message true and in fact offered by the sender and for the sender to actually having "put their best effort" into construing the message!
Phlex'ing in View
Phlex by Joel Drapper is some very clever Ruby code